Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Diving in

Our middle boy, Kaleb, has never really been much on swimming. Our oldest was half-fish. Seriously. His first word was "in" and he was talking about the water. So Kaleb's fear of water and going under was always a bit perplexing to me. We never pushed him, but now he's six and really doesn't know how to swim well at all.

Being in South Florida and surrounded by water now, I figure he needs to learn. SO I enrolled him in swim lessons. When I broke the news to him, it was a complete meltdown. I MEAN COMPLETE MELTDOWN!! After he calmed down, we talked and I explained the importance of being able to swim...for his own safety, and even his little sister's safety and how he could help her.

Something clicked. That afternoon we were going to the community pool to just play around. On the way, he said, "Mom, I'm putting the goggles on and going under." I was like, "OK, honey." AS SOON AS we got to the pool, he pulled the goggles on and ran right over and dove in. I couldn't believe it! He was under for like 10 seconds. Then he BURST up from the water screaming, "I DID IT!!! I DID IT!!" It was truly one of the sweetest moments. He was SO proud of himself. He did it again, and again. Each time bursting from the water and exclaiming his success! The pool was rather crowded and everyone around was smiling and watching him. I wonder if he encouraged any of them the way he did me. He overcame that fear. Just head down and ran full-blast right at it. I don't know if it was for his own survival or the thought of being able to help his sister, but it gave him the strength to do it.

What are you afraid of doing? Is it hindering you from living out your full God potential? Pray and ask God to help you dive right in!

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